MSSQL module

Download the module and modify ROOT_MSSQLstub.ps1 - out of the box it lists just the current server. You will probably want to add more from one of the inventories. When connection strings contain passwords, it is recommended to write them in the following format: ###secretname###, and the value for the secret is stored in config.js file and is not sent to a client (and can not be debugged using F12-console). Contribute more on Github.

This module exposes a lot of SQL server statistics, metrics, and even source code. No actual data is exposed, only aggregations. You can add reports to select data from specific tables, which you consider technical, so there is no sensitive data inside. All other reports should be safe. Still, some sensitive data can leak thru queries, for example, in Activity Monitor in the hard-coded constants of the queries in WHERE conditions, for example. You can add something like

$v = $v -replace "'([^']{2,})'", "'str'" -replace "[0-9][0-9]+", '999'

to replace all big numeric constants with 999 and 'long strings' with 'str', leaving simple values like =0, =1, ='Y', ='N' intact.

Here is the big picture:


At the top level, we have server-wide statistics:

  • List of databases with their sizes, you can open any database to get database-wide statistics
  • Expensive queries (similar to what you have in Activity Monitor)
  • Current activity for 10 seconds - the main difference from the previous option is that it is based on sysprocesses and delta in CPU for the last 10 seconds
  • Report on used and free space in all databases and top 3 biggest tables so you can easily spot where the disk space is being used and what to shrink
  • SQL agent Jobs status, their last durations and failures are shown in red
  • Current locking 
  • SQL server CPU for the last 256 seconds from a ring buffer - a chart
  • Performance can be expanded to get statistics on the specified day

At a database level we can get the 'biggest tables report' we usually use in SSMS and much more:


We can open any programmatic objects (functions, views, procedures) to inspect the code to confirm that it is really the version we expect. Of course, you can't change the code, it is read only.


When you expand the table list, you can see the number of records in the tables.


Column selectivity report spots values with low and irregular selectivity. Column RecordsInMostFreqVal is the number of records with the 'top 1' value. The last column in the same in percent to the total number of rows, so you can see that while there are 72 distinct values in ReferenceorderLineID, 46% has the same value. Probably it is ID=1, but Bell hides any actual data from a user.

The fragmentation report shows how badly data is fragmented, and charts (Chart by Columns...) are created for all datetime columns, so user can check the distribution - the number of values by date.


The index coverage report lists all columns, covered by any index at least once. Leading column in an index is marked with '1', second with '2' etc. Yuo can easily spot over-indexing and bad indexing.


Finally, in SQL server Performance, we can filter SQL error log by day:


NEW: TreeMap of table and index sizes in every database and on a server at whole.
Color represents:
  Green - clustered indexes
  Blue - nonclustered indexes
  Red - heap
  Yellow - columnstore indexes
  Magenta - other types of indexes (XML, spacial etc)
Note: on a screenshot below table and index names are obfuscated - data was taken from a real production system


NEW: Visualization of the execution of the SQL agent jobs.
  Different steps are represented with different colors
  Failed steps are marked with red line crossing the box
  Executions yesterday, day before yesterday and more days ago are displayed slightly shifted upwards, but colors are progressively pale
Note: on a screenshot job names are obfuscated - data was taken from a real production system


NEW: Visualization of the layout of the database files across the drives with the relative file size and size of the free space. Similar visualization exists for the IO by database file - reads and writes. Note: on a screenshot database file names are obfuscated - data was taken from a real production system
